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Interview with Stéphanie

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Interviews avec Stéphanie et DATAenligne
Picture of Etienne F. Carrier

Etienne F. Carrier

DATAenligne inc. | Experts in Web Hosting and Managed Services
Domain | Wordpress | VPS | Clusters | Monitoring | Management | +++

Interview with Stéphanie

Make the move

Make the move Every entrepreneur works hard to gain the trust of new customers. We are no exception. The experience we want to deliver to our customers throughout the change process is service-oriented. I’ve said many times that web hosting is anything but a convenience product. Make the move is not alway simple.

Most clients who have a Startup web project or growing web project do not have the knowledge or the expertise of our “Geeks” in cloud management to take it forward. Whether it is to install or configure a PHP or SQL function required by your WordPress site or your Web application or to migrate or to transfer your service to a more efficient web hosting and better suited to your project, our customers can count on us. After all, we are experts in cloud management.

We assist our clients at each stage of their web project. I would like to share with you this interview with Stéphanie that ralate her special experience that she had as a new client after she decided to make the move.

A Customer Experience

Recently, we had a great experience with Stéphanie Racine, an AutoCAD specialist, who wanted to move her hosting service for her website. This interview with Stéphanie is about her desire to share her DATAenligne experience from her sailboat somewhere in the Caribbean seas.

Etienne F Carrier (EFC)
Thank you for agreeing to take a few minutes to share your recent experience with DATAenligne in an interview with Stéphanie. First of all and to situate the reader, can you tell us about your project and your realities?

Stéphanie Racine (SR) My specialty is not the web at all. I created a company that offers specialized drawing and training services on AutoCAD. I make detailed plans to facilitate permit applications for all types of renovation and residential construction projects. I also offer specific training on AutoCAD and have created tools to simplify the way of using AutoCAD software.

In short, my website aims to meet two (2) main objectives: – promote my services specializing in drawing and plans on AutoCad; – and direct my student clientele to my training courses and my various free tools. This is CAD-SR.

How would you describe the challenges you face on the web?

My web issues are related to hosting and updates Currently, I am carrying out a large project. With my family, we set out to sail and live on our sailboat to explore the world. I had to quickly resolve web questions so I didn’t have to worry about them anymore. In addition, the expiry of my contract would occur during my trip. That was becoming an important issue.

Before moving my web hosting services, I was with GoDaddy. As they weren’t offering me the services I needed, I started to find a local supplier. I prefer to work with a local company than with an American company. I wanted to make sure I had all the support to keep my website environment updated to avoid security issues, among other things.

Although I don’t know much about the web, I needed to find a hosting partner I trusted. Like many entrepreneurs, we just want it to work so we can focus on our business. That’s why I made a change.

Did you have any other options?

In fact, my options weren’t that great, either staying with my original provider or changing hosts or handing over all management to a web entrepreneur. SR Since I want my business to run smoothly, I decided to change my web hosting partner.

And why did you choose DATAenligne?

In one of the business groups on Facebook, I asked for references. I received several and did my homework. After contacting several of them, I was provided with prices and reviews. DATAenligne was one of the references I connected with.

I particularly appreciated the simplicity with which I was presented with the different scenarios and the answers to my questions and expressed requests. In addition, the prices for their services are competitive. But what I wanted above all was to have good communication with my supplier.

How did the transition go?

The first communication I had with DATAenligne dates back to 2019. I received a proposal and some good advice. I was reassured that each step of moving my web hosting service would go smoothly. My contract with GoDaddy expired several months after my departure on the sailboat.

The DATAenligne team reassured me that they would take care of everything the day of the transition. At the start of March 2021, all the work was done simply, despite the great geographic distance. Our communications were made through Facebook. For my part, I have never felt this distance so everything went wonderfully well. And, quickly in addition.

Since the change, what have been the biggest gains you have made?

The blind trust in my supplier is already huge. I have to be frank, the rest I don’t know anything about it, I leave the good care of my website in the hands of the team.

In fact, in a few words, how would you describe your experience with the DATAenligne team before, during and after the change of web host for your website?

Efficient, fast, courteous and really affordable for all services. I think these few words underscore my appreciation and satisfaction for doing this MOVE.

Thank you for this interview with Stéphanie and for your confidence.

The entire DATAenligne team wishes you good luck.


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